10 Jobs AI can't Replace Humans

The ongoing digital revolution is reshaping the world of work as artificial intelligence (AI) is taking over human jobs. This unforeseen, rapid escalation is creating anxiety and apprehension amongst professionals as future work is being threatened. 

Recently, a Polish company, Dictador made a robot, Mika, its CEO to represent the company.

Many professions have ready been taken over by AI, and it’s permeating one industry to the other. 

List of 10 Jobs only Humans can Do

  • Building Engineers
  • Agriculture and Famers
  • Event planners
  • Marketers and creative professionals
  • Psychologists and mental health workers
  • Software developers
  • Teachers
  • Building construction
  • Interior Decorators

Farming and Agriculture

While robotics AI can perform some tasks in agriculture and farming, they can’t replace human. Robotics such as drones, autonomous tractors, robotic arms only assist farmers in autonomous mowing, pruning, seeding, weed control, irrigation, phenotyping, sorting and packaging. The United Nations has estimated an increase in world population from 7.3 billion to 9.7 billion by 2020. This means the world will need more food to feed the population, and farmers will face serious pressure to meet up with demand.

Agriculture demands an in-depth understanding and decision-making based on variables that AI tools can't fully comprehend, like soil health, ecosystem balance, and local weather patterns.

The Future of Jobs Report 2023 also that jobs in agriculture sector would witness an increase of up to 30% in the next 5 years. 

Marketing Managers and Creative Professionals 

While AI can Enhance marketing campaigns, marketing managers are immune from their  being taken by by AI. Marketers thrive on building narratives that resonate on a deeply human level, understanding the consumer psyche, and forging authentic connections that algorithms simply cannot duplicate.

Psychologists and Mental Health Workers 

Although, AI is assisting in advancing healthcare delivery, but can’t over the place of human healthcare workers especially psychologists.

AI robotics have no in-depth knowledge of human behavior, emotional and their clinical significance as mental health professionals like psychiatrists psychologists do.

They can identify the key pain points of patients with empathy and guide them to live a better life.

However, AI can assist mental health doctors in diagnosing a patient, and analysing their health conditions but falls short of providing complete treatment without human intervention.

Software developers

In recent times, technology has revolutionized to the level that AI can automate certain coding tasks but can’t able to replace human developers completely. 

What Generative AI can’t Do in Programming

Generative AI is great at handling tedium and finding errors, but the expertise and intuition of programmers will always be essential.

Software development is characterized by creative thinking, involving original thought, problem-solving, and the ability to respond to unanticipated complications and errors in real-time, which AI wouldn’t  be able to replicate.

Simon Willison, funder, Datasette had said  that “there has never been a better time to learn to program,” and not for the fact that AI can help do coding, but because AI can’t take over such job. Willison argued that  “Large language models flatten [the] learning curve,” making it easier for young developers to be up to day. So there is need learn how to code, and then use generative AI to complement developer experience, no matter the level of experience.


AI can do presentation and instructions. Some generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Google Bard can simplify complex concepts for students but can’t completely do the work of teachers as teacher do more than instruct. Teachers provides guidance and counselling, emotional support, understand and respond to student’s emotional state. They have understanding of social cues. While AI can follow programmed instructions, it cannot replicate the nuanced decision-making and real-time adaptability of a skilled teacher. So the future of teaching job is not threatened by AI. In fact, the Future of Jobs Report 2023 released by the World Economic Forum, predicts that the number of people in teaching jobs will increase by 10%, by 2027.

Ikechukwu Evegbu

Ikechukwu Evegbu is a graduate of Statistics with over 10 years experience as Data Analyst. Worked with Nigeria's Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. A prolific business development content writer. He's the Editor, Business Compiler

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