What is Database Management System? (Definition, Types, Software, Functions)


What is Database Management?

Data are very important in business decision making. Businesses collect these data from different sources internally or externally, from primary or secondary sources. When the data are analyzed, they give insights for effective business decision making. But then, these data need to be warehoused where they can be retrieved when need arises. Therefore, the mechanism by which organizations depend on to convert data into insights for effective decision making is called database management system.

Types of Database Management System

Many different database systems exist according to how they handle or manipulate  database structure. They are:

  • Relational database management systems 
  • Hierarchical database management systems 
  • Network or cloud-database management systems 
  • Object-oriented database management systems 
  • NoSQL or Non-Relational database  management systems
  • In-memory database management systems
  • Columnar database management systems

Relational Database Management System

Relational Database Management software include Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL

Oracle is the earliest database system which was developed and commercialized since 1980.  The integration of its hardware and software is seamless. The Unix-based Oracle SQL is secured, reliable and flexible to use.

Microsoft SQL Server is also a reputable database system. It currently has 12 versions to meet data size and applications of different organizations, from small businesses to large companies. It has web edition and business intelligence analytics tools.

MySQL: This is an open-source  DBMS owned by Oracle. It is designed to carter for small businesses that may not afford larger RDBMSs as it costs less. The downside of MySQL RDBMS is that its installation and maintenance require database design and operation knowledge.

PostgreSQL is also an open-source object-relational RDBMS that has the capability of compiling with the ANSI SQL and SQL/MED standards. It has features that support over 12 procedural languages and several database extensions.

Cloud-Based DBMSs

The Cloud-based DBMSs are types of database management software where database workload are securely stored in the cloud, and data assets can be retrieved at any time using any device with internet connection. The systems are managed with managed cloud database services via DBaaS. In recent times, thee has been increase in the use of public cloud platforms by businesses for their database management. This reduces the cost and need for large infrastructure to run relational database management system internally. In cloud model, companies only pay for storage, processing that they use in the system.

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The leading cloud database services include Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS). They all support relational, NoSQL and other types of database systems. 

Non-Relational Database Systems (NoSQL)

As non-Relational database systems, NoSQL function differently from SQL-based systems in their support for structured and unstructured data. NoSQL systems have the capabilities to collect and analyze data without a rigidly defined schema. A NoSQL database system can process queries of database entities with different elements, for example data that comprise text, numeric, images, video and audio, even social media post.

NoSQL DBMS types are Graph, document store and key-value store

In-Memory Database Management Systems

In-Memory DBMSs also known as Main-Memory DBMSs are types of DBMS that rely on computers main memory to perform its task rather than on disk storage, which makes them perform better than standard database system models. In-Memory DBMSs also use internal algorithms that greatly decrease the processing overhead.

The major characteristics of most main-memory DBMSs are their abilities to adhere to the ACID properties: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.

Some In-memory DBMSs are Oracle TimessTen, VoltDB, MemSQL, and NoSQL DBMSs like Aerospike and Redis 

Database Management System Software

Database Management System Software (DBMS) are database management program or suit of programs for optimization, management, storage and retrieval of data from database. Database software help businesses handle large data workloads.

DBMS is structured on three important elements: data itself, database schema, database engine. The data can be numeric, text, image, video and audio, or combinations of these different data forms. The schema handles the logical structure, while the engine is responsible for ensuring that the data can be accessed, locked, and modified by the users. DBMS grants you the freedom and convenience to store logical or physical data, and modification options to recover, monitor and comply with business operations. Another important feature of the DBMS is its centralized process that allows users to access data from the database from anywhere.

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Types of Database Management Software

There are different types of DBMSs. We have compiled top 25 DBMS that you can use for your business database management.


2 Microsoft SQL Server

3 Microsoft Access


5 PostgreSQL

6 Improvado

7 Amazon RDS

8 Razor SQL

9 SQL Developer

10 IBM DB2

11 Informix

12 Altibase

13 Redis

14 EMS

15 Teradata

16 Couchbase

17 Robot 3T

18 FileMaker

19 SQLite

20 HammerDB

21 Advance Query Tool

22 CoScale

23 Toad

24 Server Density

25 Cloudera

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Ikechukwu Evegbu

Ikechukwu Evegbu is a graduate of Statistics with over 10 years experience as Data Analyst. Worked with Nigeria's Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. A prolific business development content writer. He's the Editor, Business Compiler

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