Italy Introduces Digital Nomad Visa to Enable Foreigners Live and Work in Italy

Travel to Italy with Digital Nomad Visa with Work Permit

At a time when the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States are rolling out strict immigration policies, Italian government is introducing digital nomad visa which enables third-country nationals like Nigeria, live and perform high skill job aas freelancers and remote workers. 

The new visa category presents a good opportunity for Nigerians who are into tech and other  remote works as it  will provide them the ability to reside in an European country.

The Digital Nomad visa policy which was signed into law on March 2024 and took effect from April 4, 2024 will offer 12 months renewable visa to freelancers, or remote workers working for companies outside Italy.

What’s  Digital Nomad Visa

A digital nomad visa is a type of visa that allows remote workers to live and work in another country for a certain period . It is specifically tailored for individuals who can work remotely leveraging digital technology and do not need to be physically present at a specific location to perform their jobs. Such jobs are not location specific.

Benefits of Italian Digital Nomad Visa 


The visa category is valid for up to 12 months (1 years) and is renewable annually with continued eligibility.

Digital nomad visa holders will also be given Italian Residents Permit.

Your dependents (spouse and children under 18), are eligible to apply for family residence permits in Italy. Which means you can travel to Italy with your family.

Spouses are eligible to engage in local employment in Italy under the family residence permit.

Although the visa does not directly guarantee a permanent stay, it could offer first step in that direction for those interested in residing permanently in the country.

Requirements to get Italian Digital Nomad Visa

Requirements to qualify for the new digital nomad visa include:

Applicants must earn over three times the minimum level required for exemption from health care participation expenses, have comprehensive health insurance, demonstrate accommodation in Italy, and possess six months of digital nomad or remote work experience.

To be eligible, applicants must have at least 6 months work experience as digital nomad or remote workers and show proof of monthly income of €2,335, approximately €28,000 annually.

They must have a comprehensive health insurance coverage for the duration of their stay, provide proof of accommodation reservation in Italy.

How to Apply for Italian Digital Nomad Visa

Interested Nigerians and other nationals are required to submit visa applications to the Italian consulate in their countries.

Upon approval and entry into Italy, digital nomad visa holders must apply for a residence permit within eight days.

Non-Italians employed by foreign companies must furnish a signed declaration from their employer and provide an official police record confirming no criminal convictions.

Ikechukwu Evegbu

Ikechukwu Evegbu is a graduate of Statistics with over 10 years experience as Data Analyst. Worked with Nigeria's Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. A prolific business development content writer. He's the Editor, Business Compiler

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