How to Put Password on Your WhatsApp Chat

Why Should You Set Up Password on Your WhatsApp Chat?

Files and messages shared on WhatsApp chat are private, and we would want to maintain that privacy. It wouldn’t be nice idea for everyone who has access to your mobile phone to get unfiltered access into your WhatsApp conversations and transactions. 

As we know, Meta has launched WhatsApp Cloud API, which would give third-party service providers access to your data and that of your business customers. This Applications Programming interface (API) would enable open banking in which third-party financial service providers are given open access to customer banking, transaction, and open banking via API can also be regarded as allowing a third party to initiate transactions from a customer’s account, such as sending payments or withdrawing money.

You shouldn't let the privacy and security of data files shared in your chats be compromised. You have to lock up the chats with passwords. WhatsApp allows you to set passwords on those chats you don’t want another to read.

Another reason to set passwords to your WhatsApp chats is in case of theft or loss of your smartphone, no one will get into your chats except those who have  the password. So when you set up WhatsApp chat password, you will not worry about unauthorized persons having access to your conversations — your mind will be at rest even when your phone is stolen.

How to Set Up WhatsApp chat Password Encryption

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WhatsApp has several very useful tools and among them is this encryption.

To enable this encryption, there is no need to download any third-party App or  software  that guarantees the protection of these conversations.

As we already know, WhatsApp is a platform to share files with our contacts, such as audio, photos, videos, among others.

If you don’t want third eye to see content of your message except you and the person it’s directed to you must follow the following steps.

Steps to putting Password on WhatsApp Chat

  • Open your WhatsApp App, go to settings or configuration in the WhatsApp cross-platform messaging application.
  • Select the account option, where our basic data is registered in relation to the chat program.
  • Click on privacy , and go to the bottom of your smartphone, where several options will appear.
  • Choose the section block on screen . Activate it and enter a password of your choice.

Note: This type of configuration may vary depending on the app and mobile model you have.

If you are using smartphone with an Android operating system , we must enter a password of six numbers.

Another option

If you are using  Apple  iPhone ,  you can use the classic Face ID to be able to identify your face and be able to unlock the chat.

Restart your phone

Restart the WhatsApp program so that the changes made have optimal performance and you notice how the passage to the conversation is cut off.

Ikechukwu Evegbu

Ikechukwu Evegbu is a graduate of Statistics with over 10 years experience as Data Analyst. Worked with Nigeria's Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. A prolific business development content writer. He's the Editor, Business Compiler

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