Requirements to Set Up Mechanized Cattle Ranch

Do you want to set up a new mechanized ranch, or you want to upgrade your existing ranch to a modern mechanized ranch? If yes, you did well visiting here in search of information on what you need for successful mechanized ranch business enterprise. 

Without any intention to discourage you, mechanized ranch is capital intensive enterprise, but if it’s properly set up and managed, it’s also a lucrative business venture. So, if you set it up properly with the right tools and knowledge to run it, you are setting yourself up for success, and you would be able to avoid some of the problems of beef and dairy production in Nigeria

Out side the basic requirements to set up ranches, there are special, mechanized equipment and skills needed in setting up mechanized ranch. There are many and variety of equipment needed in setting up mechanized ranch but here we are going to talk about the necessary ones.

First, let’s talk about what RANCH is.


Ranch is a place with suitable amenities and implements where cattle and livestock animals are raised for meat, dairy or wool. Ranching is the practice of raising cattle and livestock animals in a confined space

Mechanized Ranch 

A mechanized ranch is a ranch with the necessary technological equipment to make the ranch operation and livestock raising easy as against manual running of a ranch. 

Requirements To Set Up Mechanized Ranch 

1. Skill 

As operator or owner of a ranch you need to possess the necessary skills to run it successfully and profitability. You therefore need to get training on livestock production, business management, how to operate some of the machinery. As startup, you may not have the financial muscle to hire enough labour from the beginning; enough skilled labour may not be available even when you have the resources to hire. You therefore need to be able to handle almost everything, and then train your staff. Read Things Small Business Owner Must Expect

2. Labour 

Mechanized ranch requires skilled labour as only well-trained personnel can operate the machines. Specialists are needed to handle each of the equipment. 

3. Land 

Land is a very important asset in farming. Ranching requires vast land space, although the size depends on the investment plan — the number of livestock OR production capacity, facilities, expansion plan etc. Cost: Price per hectare varies from one location to another but cost is higher in Southern Nigeria than in Northern Nigeria. 

4. Farm Structures and Buildings 

They include animal housing, storage building, staff quarters

Read Factors to Consider for Proper Farms Structures and Buildings before constructing farm structures and buildings in your ranch.

5. Tractor 

It is needed for pulling machinery around. Most of other equipment can’t be operated with tractor, therefore it’s very important equipment. 

                                                           Farm Tractor 

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6. Combine Harvester 

Harvester is a machine used in harvesting crops. It is needed in the ranch to harvest crops to feed the livestock, or for selling off. If you intend to grow your own livestock feeds, you definitely need combine harvester machine. 

                                                  Combine Harvester 

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7. Hay baler

As the name sounds, it is used to bale hay to feed the livestock. A batch of hay produced by hay baler can feed about 25 cattle or 75 goats/ sheep. Cost: At least $1,600 depends on model, size and capacity.

                                                         Hay Baler

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Free stall housing 

Water supply system

8. Electricity 

Electricity is needed for lighting a ranch. Mechanized ranch handles electric equipment, adequate electricity supply is necessary. In the case of Nigeria where public electric power supply is not constant, provision for alternative power supply needs to be made. The two major sources alternative power supply are electric power generating set and Solar energy. 

9. Water Supply

You need source of constant supply of clean water for the animals to drink, and for cleaning and washing of farm equipment and animal houses.

10. Milking Machine 

If you are going to produce dairy in your ranch, you will need milking machine. Milking machine replaces hand milking and it’s very fast and hygienic. Cost: Single milking machine costs about N1,000,000, while double milking machine costs about N900,000

                                                  Double Milking Machine 

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11. Weighing scale/ machine 

Weighing scale is needed to weigh the livestock for sale or for examination. Cost: cost of weighing scale varies depending on the model and size. The one in the picture below is a digital scale with 3000kg capacity costs about N2,050,000 

                                                      Digital Weighing Scale 

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12. Heath Management Instruments 

Success of livestock enterprise largely dependent on the health of the animals and the health management practices adopted by the rancher. Animal health management and biosecurity is generally expensive. In mechanized ranch, you need mechanized tools for this. Some of the tools are automatic injector, vaccine carrier, vaginal speculum (obstetrical equipment for cattle).

i. Automatic Injector for large animals is a veterinary syringe used to administer dose of vaccine or medication to livestock. Cost: N20,500.

                                       Automatic Injector for Large Animals 

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ii. Vaccine Carrier is a container used to safely store and carry vaccines at refrigerated temperature. Cost: N12,000 – N17,000 depending on the size. 

                              Vaccine Carrier (Cold Chain Supply Package) 

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iii. Vaginal speculum is an obstetrical equipment used to explore vagina of large animals for diagnoses and other procedures. It can also be used for direct medication of the uterus or during urinary catheterization of female animals. It holds the labia open to allow the vagina vault to be easily viewed for swab taking. Cost: N52,000+

                                        Vaginal Speculum for Large Animals 

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13. Breeding Instrument 

If you intend to adopt artificial insemination in breeding your livestock, you therefore need Artificial Insemination Kit for Cattle. Artificial insemination is an assisted reproduction technique (ART) for livestock. Note: Only well-trained persons can handle it. Cost: About N840,000

                                   Artificial Insemination Kit for Cattle 

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You can buy these equipment at Afrimash at cheapest prices.


Although, there may still be more resources needed in mechanized ranch, with 13 resources above you can set up a proper mechanized ranch. The resources appear to be expensive but they will certainly pay off. Now that you are informed about the requirements to set up mechanized ranch, you can go ahead and set up your mechanized ranch. I wish you success in your business enterprise. 

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Ikechukwu Evegbu

Ikechukwu Evegbu is a graduate of Statistics with over 10 years experience as Data Analyst. Worked with Nigeria's Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. A prolific business development content writer. He's the Editor, Business Compiler

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